Fifty bucks says that the brother who eulogized her counted his time for the worldly people in attendance. Gotta report those hours to the mother ship. Even if it is over dead bodies.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Work Colleague Went To a JW Funeral - His Experience
by pale.emperor inso the guy in my office on the desk next to me has just got back from the funeral of his wifes sister.
this was his first time in a kh and full on exposure to jwdom.. bit of background: the deceased jw was not a born in, she was a convert when she was in her teens.
she died last week at the age of 82. the poor old dear was still zealously knocking on doors while in ill health.
Jehovah's Athiest
by stuckinarut2 inso i found this old video on youtube!
it is the "new" faith called "jehovah's athiests".
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
This kind of inspires me to get out in Field Service again. Except this time, I'd like to knock on my territory's doors and warn people of the true nature of the Jehovah's Witness cult that will come knocking on their doors intermittently in the near future.
Either that, or make flyers to distribute in mail boxes with a brief statement about the harboring of pedophiles and the diminished capacity of each JW member due to cult indoctrination; that they are counting time to report to their headquarters if ever they show personal interest in a householder. And that they have been manipulated into believing that this will ensure their salvation (KM Jun 2012) so that they can separate who WILL survive a gruesome death at Armageddon (those householders whom they recruit/convert) and those who will perish and become bird food.
Why do Jehovah`s Witnesses believe everything will be Hunky Dory after Armageddon ? I have news for them.
by smiddy3 inthey seem to think that all they will do is enjoy a carefree life with little or no concerns problems or worries whereas nothing could be further from the truth... according to the bible.. without trying to speculate on these concerns or problems during this one thousand year reign of christ jesus ,lets hear what the bible has to say about the end of his thousand year reign.. rev.20:7-10 satan is to be let out of his prison {as if he hasn`t done enough damage in 6000 years of roaming about in the earth at the same time fraternizing with jesus and jehovah in heaven} i digress.. and the reason he is let out of prison ,lo and behold ,is to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth gog and magog to gather them together for the war.
{ here we go again ,armageddon didn`t solve anything we have to go through another one.
} 1000 years later.. now get this it`s not just some isolated little skirmish with a few hundred or even a few thousand dissenters ,as the bible states they number the sands of the seashore and they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp {not a nation but a camp} of the holy ones.and the beloved city.. with that description it would seem the holy ones are in the minority and the opposes apparently were spread over all the earth.. so that description of the bible to me about jc 1000 rule does not appear to be one of living in a paradise , that is not on the agenda until after jesus christ 1000 year reign and only if you are lucky enough to survive another test/war of your loyalty after all you have gone through previously.. i wonder if this realization is one of the reasons why so many now are claiming to be of the anointed because as one of the other sheep you have to pass another test after the 1000 years of christ jesus rule whereas of one of the anointed on death now you go straight to heaven ..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@waton "overlapping deaths". Lol. Maybe that will be like the "overlaping resurrections". The Bible states that there will be only two resurrections - one BEFORE the Millenium, and one AFTER it. So what's with the gradual resurrection of the billions of people DURING the thousand year reign that JWs have to Witness to? How is that backed by scripture?
Why do Jehovah`s Witnesses believe everything will be Hunky Dory after Armageddon ? I have news for them.
by smiddy3 inthey seem to think that all they will do is enjoy a carefree life with little or no concerns problems or worries whereas nothing could be further from the truth... according to the bible.. without trying to speculate on these concerns or problems during this one thousand year reign of christ jesus ,lets hear what the bible has to say about the end of his thousand year reign.. rev.20:7-10 satan is to be let out of his prison {as if he hasn`t done enough damage in 6000 years of roaming about in the earth at the same time fraternizing with jesus and jehovah in heaven} i digress.. and the reason he is let out of prison ,lo and behold ,is to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth gog and magog to gather them together for the war.
{ here we go again ,armageddon didn`t solve anything we have to go through another one.
} 1000 years later.. now get this it`s not just some isolated little skirmish with a few hundred or even a few thousand dissenters ,as the bible states they number the sands of the seashore and they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp {not a nation but a camp} of the holy ones.and the beloved city.. with that description it would seem the holy ones are in the minority and the opposes apparently were spread over all the earth.. so that description of the bible to me about jc 1000 rule does not appear to be one of living in a paradise , that is not on the agenda until after jesus christ 1000 year reign and only if you are lucky enough to survive another test/war of your loyalty after all you have gone through previously.. i wonder if this realization is one of the reasons why so many now are claiming to be of the anointed because as one of the other sheep you have to pass another test after the 1000 years of christ jesus rule whereas of one of the anointed on death now you go straight to heaven ..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Among many glitches in the "New World" matrix, how do JW's explain that worldly people who don't listen to their message in paradise will be annihilated? So there will be death in paradise? I thought there will be "no more death... for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21:4). Simple question. Wonder how a JW would answer that?
Christmas card through my door.......................
by The Fall Guy in.............from a national pizza chain, bearing the message, "merry crustmas.".
i'd like to see them try and capitalise on ramadan by changing that religious festival's name in a similar way.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
"Ramadan... some people fast. And others want their pizza delivered fast."
Things You Still Agree With The JWs On
by Fred Franztone inaside from obvious things that most people agree on, like theft being wrong and the importance of family, i can't think of a single thing i agree with the jws on, nothing that's specific to their religion anyway.
do you have any?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Fred Franzstone JWs agree on "the importance of family"...
Romans 2:21,22 Matthew 23:3 and the hypocrsity of the November 2017 Broadcast!
by stuckinarut2 inhypocrites!
i know we have spoken of this before, but in light of the appaling november 2017 jwdotorg broadcast, these scriptures just need to be highlighted!.
please re-read them, and tell me if they don't apply to the society !?!.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
The November broadcast was the GB banking on the JWs absolute credulity and docile trust. Trust to not have to fact check. Trust that what they're being told is true. Trust that their collective amnesia over WT history is being accurately pieced back together by the Slave.
The GB has trained the masses well. 8 million brains and not one neuron in sight.
Wife came home upset ...
by The Fall Guy in... because she'd stepped into some newly laid concrete.. i said to her, "don't be too hard on yourself.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound or strategic from a human standpoint or not.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
There is a sister from my congregation who is 23 years old whose circumstances mirror yours. I actually was going to PM you to ask if you are her, until I read your age. This sister has been separated from her husband for two years now. And she has resigned herself to being single for the rest of her life because of her husband's extreme depressive and disordered personality type. Like you, she was lured into the marriage under false pretenses. It wasn't 'til after the vows were exchanged that he showed his true colors. My heart aches for her. Woman in her prime, much like yourself, shackled to a WT-honed conscience that forbids her to move on with her life.
I always wondered about that scripture in Matthew 5:28 where it speaks about anyone looking at another woman lustfully having committed adultery in his heart. As a red-blooded male, there's no way your husband has not viewed pornorgaphic images or oogled another woman he's seen walk by. Does this mean he has given you grounds to divorce? The adultery may have been committed in his heart, but as we know... "out of the abundance of the heart..." (Matt 12:34). Jesus considered the heart condition to be very serious and VERY real. Furthermore, your husband has proven himself to be a liar. Remember the "Walking in Integrity" song from the brown songbook? "I do not sit... with wi-cked men of liiieeess. I hate the com-pa-ny... of those who truth de-spiiiise" (see Ps 101:7).
I know this won't pass over your elders at all who are operating under the strict guidelines set forth in their confidential manual (PDF of Shepherd the Flock of God:, but maybe it will ease your conscience so you don't feel so damned by Jehovah for taking a stand and filing for the divorce you so clearly are entitled to.
Another thing to add is, the standards set forth in the Bible may seem timeless and put into practice by Jehovah's Witnesses, but even Geoffrey Jackson of the Governing Body has admitted that the organization's policies are in tune with sociological changes in this current millennia. Children are not stoned to death for disobedience within the organization. They are punished in ways that preserve their lives. Likewise, consider the marital arrangement among the ancient Israelites: a raped woman was considered unmarriageable. HOWEVER, her rapist was legally entitled to force his victim to marry HIM, should he decide to "own" her. If you consider humans to have been closer to perfection all that time ago, then you'd have to agree that such personality disorders and psychological dysfunction did not exist so close to Adam and Eve in such a simple, non-industrialized society. Therefore, grounds for divorce over such serious matters and psychological abuse were not written about since there was no reference to draw from. It's the same reason Jehovah's Witnesses will not smoke a cigarette. Tobacco use is not mentioned in the Bible because cigarettes did not exist. Yet, the principle has transcended through sociological and technological developments over the centuries. The same should be true for psychological developments.
Please know that should you formally divorce and remarry despite no physical adultery occurring on the part of your current husband, you are, by default, forgiven. This is the whole essence of Christ's ransom sacrifice that is completely brushed aside by WT theology which reconvicts your sins and punishes you also (estrangement from all the people you've become close to and loved in the organization). Romans 4:5 says that " the man who does NOT work but puts faith in the One who declares the ungodly one righteous, his faith is counted as righteousness". This scripture is actually contrasting faith with works (in your case, your works would be remaining single/celibate and grossly deceived for the rest of your life).
You sound like a really sincere woman who values her relationship with Jehovah and has put her faith in Him. If you can put your fear of man (the elders and WT policy) aside and concentrate on His word, you may find it heart-warming that God has the magnanimity to justify the "ungodly" - not just the good people - by faith, since faith is reckoned as righteousness. You are righteous, no matter what decision you make in your life, @Jrjw.Reflect on Romans 4:5, Romans 5:1, Romans 3, Romans 10, and Ephesians 2:8,9 (which states "By this underserved kindness you have been saved through faith... No, it is not the result of works..."). You don't deserve to be treated "differently" by the people you once held dear. And if these friends have got you feeling so lost and unheard and resorting to an anonymous online forum just so you can vent... then I have news for you, sweetie. These are not friends. These are acquaintances who have been indoctrinated to like you for who they WANT you to be - another Jehovah's Witness in good standing who fills out the cookie-cutter mold shaped by a religious hierarchy in New York.You deserve to be heard. You deserve to be free. You deserve to be accepted.You deserve to be you. -
Brain tumor causes woman to become JW (4 times!)
by Anders Andersen inwhy one woman mysteriously started hearing 'divine' voices.
after doctors admitted the woman to the psychiatric unit of the hospital, they learned that this wasn't the first time she felt a strong interest in religion and spirituality.
she described four previous times in her life, beginning at age 13 and again at ages 23, 32 and 41, when she experienced periods of intense spiritual and religious devotion.during these periods, which lasted about a year or two, she would join jehovah's witnesses and then later resign, when she lost interest, according to the part of her psychiatric evaluation, the woman also underwent an mri.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
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